
Our hos­pi­tal­ist pro­gram enables us to extend the high-qual­i­ty treat­ment we are known for into the hos­pi­tal set­ting. When your treat­ment requires hos­pi­tal­iza­tion, South Bend Clin­ic hos­pi­tal­ists are there to man­age your acute med­ical needs and will coor­di­nate with spe­cial­ists to give you the best treat­ment pos­si­ble. In addi­tion, when you leave the hos­pi­tal, we will con­tact your pri­ma­ry care provider to con­tin­ue your med­ical care.

Work­ing togeth­er, we will ensure that your health­care require­ments are han­dled with com­pas­sion, exper­tise, and with you at the heart of every deci­sion. We look for­ward to serv­ing you when­ev­er you need us.

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